Download New version of rupee symbol Font

Everyone know that Indian Government launch an official Rupee Symbol on 15th July like US Dollar  “$” Now we have a font included this symbol.

Foradian have made the first font with support for Indian currency symbol. Many Thanks to Foradian.

How to use ?
1. Download the new version Rupee_Foradian.ttf 2. Install the font. (It is easy. Just copy the font and paste it in "Fonts" folder in control panel)
3. Start using it. :)

How to draw a 3D gear object using CorelDraw?

No, No, as title says, You can not make a real 3D objects in Corel Draw, but you can create an illusion of it. And after that you can use it to make a logo of some organization. It’s depends on your imagination that how you look your object in your subconscious mind. In this tutorial you will learn  how to draw a 3D gear.
First of all close your eyes and imagine that how gear is look like. If you cant imagine you can search on Google’s image section (or Click here). This is just for our reference and give you an idea to draw our object. So let's start…….

Final Image:

Draw a 3D gear object

Step 1: Draw a Polygon

First of all we need to draw a polygon drawing, so select a polygon tool from the left tool bar and draw a polygon by dragging. When you select a polygon tool, a separate polygon tool bar will be enable automatically at top.
Draw a 3D gear object
Well there are 5 sides polygon as default, but we need 16 points or sides, so look at the top. and increase points or sides option to 16 from 5. Your polygon is look like almost a circle as shown in below screenshot but it is not circle.
Draw a 3D gear object

Step 2: Using Shape Tool

Now select a shape tool from left side tool bar. Click on any node and drag it to the center point of polygon till the shape is look like 16 threads star as shown in below image.

Draw a 3D gear object

Step 3: Adding and Subtract Nodes

Make sure you selected shape tool, by double clicking you can add two nodes (see below image). These nodes will be automatically added on every teeth.
Draw 3D Gear Object
Now to make a perfect shape of teeth we need to subtract a node point which is located at the corner point of every teeth,
Draw 3D Gear Object

Double click on any one node and your object will be like shown as in below image.

Draw a 3D gear object

Step 4: Fill Color like metallic surface.

To fill colors select an object. Remember we are going to make a 3D object, so uniform color is look so good. To create a metallic surface illusion, chose a FOUNTAIN FILL TOOL from the left side tool bar.
 Draw 3D Gear Object
In the coming up next little window, chose any two colors light/dark combination whatever you like, set an angle, and click OK.
Draw 3D Gear Object
See your object is now look like metallic shiny surface.

Draw 3D Gear Object

Step 5: Draw a circle

Now draw a circle  using Ellipse tool. Make sure that ratio of height and width are same for a perfect circle.
 Draw 3D Gear Object

Now put the circle on our polygon star as like in below picture. when you drag circle on polygon star, it will be automatically displayed CENTER point, so you can easily put it at on center.
 Draw a 3D gear object
We have to remove outline of circle. Click and hold on an OUTLINE PEN TOOL and select NO OUTLINE.
Draw a 3D gear object

Your circle is still there but without outline.

Draw a 3D gear object


Step 6: Trim two objects.

Now click your mouse left button somewhere else and drag it to select both of objects. See at the top some tools enabled like WELD, TRIM etc….
Draw a 3D gear object

Click on TRIM BUTTON and see your 2D gear is ready.
Draw a 3D gear object

Step 7: Create a 3D illusion look

For create an illusion if 3D object select an EXTRUDE TOOL.

Draw a 3D gear object

Select presets and chose any 3D example whatever you like.

Draw a 3D gear object

See your 2D gear converted in to 3D illusion. Set the depth of your gear object.
Draw 3D Gear Object
And your 3D gear is ready.
Draw a 3D gear object
You can use it to create a logo, or whatever you need. Remember tutorial gives you an idea only. Practice will makes man perfect. Please post comments if you like this tutorial.

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