Text Reflection Effect in Corel Draw

In this Tutorial you will learn how to create a reflection effect of text using CorelDraw.
Final Image :
Text Reflection Effect in CorelDraw
Step 1: Open a blank Document in CorelDraw X4.
Step 2: Chose TEXT TOOL from left side TOOL BAR. Chose a font and font size as you shown in below picture. Type your Text.

Text Reflection Effect in CorelDraw

Step 3: Now with the SELECTION TOOL select your text and make a duplicate mirror text as we mention in our previous TutorialVector Drawing of Nature with Corel Draw”. Chose a TRANSAPRENCY TOOL and applied it on mirror text from top to bottom (Check out below Zoom screenshot)
 Text Reflection Effect in CorelDraw

Text Reflection Effect in CorelDraw

Step 4: Put the whole creation on suitable background or create your own.
Text Reflection Effect in CorelDraw


Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw.

In my first TutorialHow to create a Glossy web buttons using Corel Draw?”, you already leaned about creating a rectangle and shape it in Step 2 and Step 3. That was a basic tools. If we use our brain, we can easily draw a beautiful drawing also. In this next tutorial we will learn a complete vector drawing with the help of BEZIER TOOL, TRANSPARENCY TOOL and FOUNTAIN FILL TOOL.

Final Image:

   Night nature Drawing

Step  1: Apply FOUTAINFILL TOOL on rectangle.

Firstly create one rectangle, select it and applied a FOUNTAIN FILL TOOL(See step 8 Image), with LINER TYPE from top to bottom. chose two color nearly Orange and Yellow, so sky will look like at evening time.

  Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 2: Duplicate reverse image of rectangle.

Drag the rectangle and made a duplicate reverse Image as shown in below. (Click on free transforms middle point, click and hold your mouse’s left button, drag it and click right button before you release a left button)

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 3: Draw a mountain with BEZIER TOOL.

Chose a BEZIER TOOL and draw an object roughly as shown below for look like a mountain. Select an object (mountain) and chose a black color from the color bar which is in mostly located on right side.

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw
  Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 4: Mirror image of mountain.

Now our mountain is ready. Select it and repeat step 2 for made a duplicate mirror image like shown in below.

 Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 5: Apply TRANSPARENCY on reflection object of mountain

Select that mirror object, chose a TRANSPARENCY TOOL from the left TOOL BAR.

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 6: Adjusting Transparency type and Starting Transparency.

Look at carefully on below picture. Select TRANSPARENCY TYPE at UNIFORM. Adjust STARTING TRANSPARENCY.

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 7: Creating circle

Now our mountain and lake is ready. We need to make a Sun so with the help of a CIRCLE TOOL make one circle like shown in below.

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 8: Apply FOUNTAI FILL TOOL on circle.

Select a circle and chose a FOUNTAIN FILL TOOL.


In the coming up next little window, Select Type as REDIAL, chose tow color Orange and White and click on OK. Our Sun is ready.

 Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 9: Put an object behind another object.

To put the Sun behind mountain follow this step – TOP MENUBAR –> ARRANGE –> ORDER –> Click on BEHIND. Now click on Mountain. Sun is behind mountain now as shown below picture. 

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 10: Draw a coconut tree with BEZIER TOOL

For making a coconut tree use again BEZIER TOOL and draw it roughly like this…. Select whole Coconut Tree and click on 90% Black color for it as we already mention in STEP 3.

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Step 11: Finalize your Drawing.

Make 2 or 3 more different sized Coconut Tree and put them like shown in below picture. Our Drawing is almost ready.

Vector Drawing of Nature with CorelDraw

Finally you can put some more objects and make your drawing more beautiful.

How to create a Glossy web buttons using Corel Draw?

After my previous post “Introduction of this blog”, hope you understand what is the purpose of this blog. I am posting my first tutorial regarding Corel Draw.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a glossy web buttons. Yes, using Corel Draw anyone can made a stylish and glossy web buttons easily.
Step 1: Open a new file in Corel Draw.
Step 2: Select a RECTANGLE TOOL or ELLIPS TOOL (whatever shape you want)  from the tool bar which is mostly located in the left side. For example we used RECTANGLE TOOL here in this tutorial. Draw a rectangle.

Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw

Step 3: Now chose a SHAPE TOOL from the left-side tool bar. With the help of this tool you can shape easily of you rectangle. Like this…

Glossy web buttons using CorelDrawGlossy web buttons using CorelDraw
Step 4: Now with SELECTION TOOL select rectangle (Actually it is not  a rectangle now :P) and hold your mouse pointer two second on a FILL TOOL for different types of FILLS. Select a FOUNTAIN FILL DIALOG or press F-11. Next small window will pop-up. Here you can chose any two color and fill both combination. like this….
 Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw

Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw
Step 5: Now we need a duplicate copy of our rectangle, so click and hold selected rectangle, drag it somewhere else nearer and press right click of your mouse before release left button. Select second rectangle and flip it at 180˚ like this…


Step 6: Transform second rectangle, reduce its size and put it in to first one rectangle like shown in below screenshot.
 Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw

Step 7:  Select second rectangle and chose a TRANSPERENCY TOOL from the TOOL BAR, and apply it on second rectangle like shown in below screenshot.

 Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw
Step 8:  Repeat step 5 and create another rectangle and put it in between 1st and 2nd rectangle and apply transparency on it also.

 Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw

Final Image and few examples

Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw Glossy web buttons using CorelDraw

Select whole your creation and follow these steps to save it in PNG format or you can save it in a CDR format if you want modification in future.

Introduction of “Fun With Photo”

Hello Friends,

Well, before we start lets share some of my blogging experiences. Firstly I made a blog for learning purposes then seriously started working behind my blog “Great Collection of Quotes and Poems”. Yes! Obviously that is a copy-paste blog, Blog description says itself. Basically it is a collection of posts taken from other places. But I always tried to publish Good and Quality Contents. It really made me feel good when I started getting good response on my blog. I would like to thanks to all of my blog readers for that!

Something about FUN WITH PHOTO

On this very first post, I am going to tell you the purpose and idea behind this blog. When I started my first blog [yes, the “Great Collection of Quotes and Poems” blog] I had a vision and intension to share some good things.  After the great success with “Great Collection of Quotes and Poems”, I am introducing my blog “Fun With Photo” regarding Image manipulation and Fun with Images. Hope you like it and will support me.

Fun with Photo

What will you find in this blog???

Here you will find a complete solution about Image manipulation. The basic purpose of this blog is to share my creations and Art regarding Image editing. I want to share my knowledge with you, so I will be posting my own tutorials regarding image editing. Basically I am very friendly with Corel, so most of the contents will be related to Corel Photo Paint, and Corel Draw. I know that Photoshop is considered as the most powerful image editing tool. Even I like some Photoshop editing, But still, I am using Corel since it’s version 9 (Corel’s latest version is X5), so I am kind of addicted to it! Hence,

With regards,


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